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Mon-Fri: 09:00– 17:00

Out of Hours: 05:30– 23:00

Kati Louise Wise

Meet Kati

I have worked for Sunshine care now for 2 years I originally started as the care co-Ordinator and early this year I was promoted to Deputy Manager.

As the Deputy Manager I support the register manger with the day to day running of the business. I support all of the office staff with there job roles and help them with any problems they may come across.

I also ensure that the care team in the community are happy within their job role, supported and safe why they are out working. I deal with any  issues that may rise from customers or their families and also the care team.

I have completed my NVQ Level  2 3 4 and I am currently working on my NVQ Level 5. Through out my journey with sunshine care I have also completed my advanced safeguarding and employment law course. When I am not at work I like to spend time with my family and friends.

Job Title

Deputy Manger


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